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發表於 6-1-2007 10:37:51 | 顯示全部樓層
I am gald to see a English topic here= =.
Rarely have i seen such kind of topic here since i started to be a menber....

原帖由 piyopiyo 於 2007-1-5 14:49 發表

oh?Chinese history?You study art??
I like economics,English,biology,phyics and chemistry
No matter which subjects I am studying, I would love it if I got a high mark in the exam

I think the reason behind studying a subject is not to  get a good result in the exam but for my own interest.
i could not but argree that getting a good grade is an encouragement for me....
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發表於 16-1-2007 18:27:16 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 piyopiyo 於 2007-1-15 00:32 發表

I think so:lol Chinese is really difficult especially the奪命4式 of the new syl

there is sth similar to "奪命4式" in Eng Exam paper.
The new type of questions are tircky...
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