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發表於 6-1-2007 10:37:51 | 只看該作者
I am gald to see a English topic here= =.
Rarely have i seen such kind of topic here since i started to be a menber....

原帖由 piyopiyo 於 2007-1-5 14:49 發表

oh?Chinese history?You study art??
I like economics,English,biology,phyics and chemistry
No matter which subjects I am studying, I would love it if I got a high mark in the exam

I think the reason behind studying a subject is not to  get a good result in the exam but for my own interest.
i could not but argree that getting a good grade is an encouragement for me....
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發表於 6-1-2007 13:35:29 | 只看該作者
原帖由 piyopiyo 於 2007-1-5 14:49 發表

oh?Chinese history?You study art??
I like economics,English,biology,phyics and chemistry
No matter which subjects I am studying, I would love it if I got a high mark in the exam

may be i am studying in so called business and art
however i just study account<----business?,haven t study commerce.

oh, i forgot Computer, i also study this one, the result  of it is quite gd:lol
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發表於 6-1-2007 15:49:06 | 只看該作者
原帖由 可.洛洛 於 2007-1-6 13:35 發表

may be i am studying in so called business and art
however i just study account<----business?,haven t study commerce.

oh, i forgot Computer, i also study this one, the result  of it is ...

I really envy u,your school has business to study- -
We just have science or art + 1 subject you want to study,I am studying science + economics
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 樓主| 發表於 6-1-2007 23:54:11 | 只看該作者
原帖由 可.洛洛 於 2007-1-5 14:45 發表
i think my english is not very good= ="
however, i think this topic is very interesting :lol

i m a f.5 student, i like eonomics, chinese history, english
but i dont like any su ...

i love account  very much but my school don't have this subject to study~
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發表於 9-1-2007 09:40:44 | 只看該作者
english   - -

it is good form me

but  the chicken wings  i not to see
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發表於 9-1-2007 14:06:08 | 只看該作者
原帖由 tom12345678 於 2007-1-9 09:40 發表
english   - -

it is good form me

but  the chicken wings  i not to see

holy crap?
I cannot catch what you have said..
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 樓主| 發表於 10-1-2007 00:09:57 | 只看該作者
原帖由 tom12345678 於 2007-1-9 01:40 發表
english   - -

it is good form me

but  the chicken wings  i not to see

i don’t know what are you meaning∼
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發表於 13-1-2007 00:20:44 | 只看該作者
原帖由 tom12345678 於 2007-1-9 01:40 發表
english   - -

it is good form me

but  the chicken wings  i not to see


can u change your sentence to chinese? i can help u to translate(翻譯) it........
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發表於 13-1-2007 11:31:09 | 只看該作者
原帖由 tom12345678 於 2007-1-9 09:40 發表
english   - -

it is good form me

but  the chicken wings  i not to see

what is chicken wing?what do you mean by chicken wing?

Although english is very useful,I don't like it.......i think that is very boring

Although it can help us to talk with another people, i really hate it......
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 樓主| 發表於 13-1-2007 22:44:09 | 只看該作者
原帖由 ☆櫻戀雪~ 於 2007-1-13 03:31 發表

what is chicken wing?what do you mean by chicken wing?

Although english is very useful,I don't like it.......i think that is very boring

Although it can help us to talk with another peopl ...

I don't think so ~ I think it is quite interesting~I like english more than chinese because english is very easy~
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